Brickwall, Rye Road, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex TN31 6NL

10 reasons to choose Frewen Preparatory School
Top line
Frewen Preparatory School has a Schoolsmith Score® of 77. It is one of the best independent prep schools in and around Rye and one of the 7 best primary schools for 10 miles.
School fundamentals
Frewen Preparatory School is an independent prep day and boarding school for boys and girls (60%/40%) between the ages of 7 and 11 years with dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia or language difficulties. Boarding from Year 5 for the very small number of pupils who board. 50% are full boarders and 50% are weekly or flexi boarders. The school has a non-selective admissions policy. It is the prep school to Frewen College, an all-through school to age 18. Frewen Preparatory School fees are £7,833 +VAT per term (2024/25). Full boarding fees are £11,581 +VAT per term.
Average class size
Frewen Preparatory School has one class per year and an average class size of 6 pupils.
Leavers' destinations
The school specialises in helping children with specific learning difficulties. Most prep pupils move up to Frewen College, though some do move up to mainstream schools.
The Frewen Preparatory School curriculum
School curriculum is based on the National Curriculum with some additions and variations. There is particular emphasis on English (and phonics) and maths which are taught in the morning. All other subjects are taught in the afternoon as integrated topics within a ‘creative curriculum’. The curriculum also includes thinking and learning skills, PSHE, and outdoor learning.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers and outdoor learning.
Specialist teaching
SpLD specialist teachers throughout. Therapy teams work within the classroom, with teachers, and also offer weekly one-to-one sessions. CReSTeD recognised dyslexia specialist provision school.
Sport at Frewen Preparatory School
School offers a full participatory sports curriculum through PE and games, as well as participation in local events such as cross country races.
The Arts at Frewen Preparatory School
Art, music and drama are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. All pupils learn an instrument in class and half take extra-curricular instrument lessons. Choir (combined with Year 7). There are some extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
No formalised wraparound care for day pupils, though clubs can extend the day and occasional boarding is sometimes available for day pupils.
Find another school near Frewen Preparatory School
Vinehall School (6.9 miles); Saint Ronan’s School (7.2 miles); Marlborough House School (8.2 miles).
Wittersham Church of England Primary School (4.6 miles); St Thomas’ Church of England Primary School, Winchelsea (9.3 miles); Hurst Green Church of England Primary School and Nursery (10.4 miles).
Frewen College (0 miles); Buckswood School (7 miles); Claremont School (8.3 miles); Benenden School (8.6 miles).
Rye Studio School (7.7 miles); Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre (9 miles); Claverham Community College (10 miles).