Durweston, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 0PY
10 reasons to choose Bryanston Knighton House
Top line
Bryanston Knighton House has a Schoolsmith Score® of 86. It is one of the best independent prep schools in Blandford Forum and one of the 3 best primary schools for 7 miles.
School fundamentals
Bryanston Knighton House is an independent prep day and boarding school for boys and girls (20%/80%) between the ages of 3 and 13 years. The school became co-ed in September 2020. Boarding from Year 3 for the 20% of pupils who board. 25% are full boarders and 75% are weekly or flexi boarders. The school has a non-selective admissions policy. It is the prep department of Bryanston School, an all-through school to age 18. Bryanston Knighton House fees range from £3,343 +VAT (Rec) to £6,125 +VAT per term (2024/25). Full boarding fees range from £8,233 +VAT to £9,407 +VAT per term.
Average class size
Bryanston Knighton House has one class per year except for one or two mixed-age class, and an average class size of 10.
Leavers' destinations
Leavers’ destination schools for Bryanston Knighton House pupils are one of 20 independent day and boarding schools and five Wiltshire grammar and state schools. Bryanston School, Leweston School, and Sherborne Girls are the most popular. 20%-30% of pupils win awards and scholarships.
The Bryanston Knighton House curriculum
School curriculum is based on the National Curriculum with some additions and variations. It also includes PSHEE, French, Spanish, German, Latin. The school has a thematic and topic based curriculum in pre-prep. In Years 7 and 8 the Knowledge, Enlightenment, Discovery Curriculum is the school’s skills-based enhancement to Common Entrance. The school offers each pupil between 5 and 10 different extra-curricular academic activities or hobby clubs.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers and residential trips from Year 6.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for sport, music, languages and computing throughout, and for maths, English and science from Year 5.
Sport at Bryanston Knighton House
School offers between 10 and 15 different sports over the course of the year. Horse riding is a particular feature of the daily routine. Representative teams in major sports from Year 3.
The Arts at Bryanston Knighton House
Art and music are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. Drama is part of the English and extra curricula. All pupils learn an instrument in class and two-thirds take extra-curricular instrument lessons from Year 3. Two choirs, orchestra and four instrument ensembles. The school offers each pupil over 5 different extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
School day and after school clubs are from 8.00am to 5.30pm. Minibus service.
Find another school near Bryanston Knighton House
Hanford School (3.4 miles); Clayesmore Preparatory School (5.1 miles); Port Regis Preparatory School (12.3 miles); Port Regis Preparatory School (12.3 miles).
Horsington Church School (17.3 miles)
Bryanston School (4.6 miles); Clayesmore School (5.1 miles).
Allenbourn Middle School (12.1 miles); Gillingham School (15.3 miles); Parkstone Grammar School (15.4 miles).