Blended Learning, a hybrid of face-to-face and online learning, is the buzz phrase of this year’s prep schools admissions round. The phrase, ‘Blended Learning’, delivers two messages. One defensive; ‘We can educate your child remotely should they need to self-isolate’. And the other aspirational; ‘We can develop the skills for your child to master their […]
School facilities
School facilities include sports, arts, academic, careers, boarding and catering facilities, as well as services such as wrap around care and transport.
But do more and better school facilities mean a better education? And are some school facilities more important than others?
School sports facilities; how do they vary?
All schools have sports facilities. But the standard of sport they facilitate varies. In this post I’ll expand on the Typical Facilities in UK Schools post to help you navigate your way around school sports facilities. What facilities might you expect at a primary or secondary school? And how do you know when a school […]
School academic facilities; how do they vary?
Newness aside, there is often little to differentiate between schools’ academic facilities. The exception is Technology. In this post I’ll expand on the Typical Facilities in UK Schools post to focus on school academic facilities. After all, academic learning is at the core of a school’s purpose. What should you expect? And how can you […]
School arts facilities; how do they vary?
School arts facilities reflect the importance of the arts to a school’s balanced curriculum. In this post I’ll expand on the Typical Facilities in UK Schools post to focus on school arts facilities. What arts facilities schools offer and how you might differentiate between schools. The multi-purpose school hall The most basic school arts facility […]
Typical facilities in UK schools
The typical prep school has twice as many facilities as a state primary. The typical independent senior school, however, has less facilities than the typical state secondary. There’s a complicity in contradiction about school open days. Heads and staff will state that there is more to a school than its facilities. Parents will agree. And […]
Why choose a school nursery?
Even for parents with a child starting in Reception, the school nursery is a main reason to choose the school. Why? Consistently in my surveys about 40% of parents rate “school nursery classes” as one of their 5 main criteria for choosing a prep or primary school. For these parents, parents of children starting Reception, […]
The school careers department come of age
The school careers department has a crucial role in pupil employability. When I was at school the school careers department was the small dimly lit room at the end of an otherwise forgotten corridor. Inside there was a coffee table, though there was no coffee. There were a few low armchairs, the ones with the […]
Do better school facilities mean a better education?
School facilities are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. We parents like school facilities. Or rather, we like schools with lots of facilities. Why? Because we assume that such schools provide a better education. So we treat school tours as little more than a guide around the school facilities. We walk […]
What’s so special about a sixth form centre?
Schools are using the sixth form centre to attract and retain a more transient sixth form population. One of the weapons in the school facilities arms race is the sixth form centre. You’ll spot them on your school tour. They are the modern glass edifices thrusting out from between the more tired older brick and […]
Out of hours and wrap around care at school
Schools not only teach, but they provide wrap around care to cover parents’ working hours. If you ever wanted evidence of how far schooling has evolved since we were at school then surely wrap around care at school is it. Out of hours care, wrap around care, breakfast club, after school club, extended day, it […]