Long Millgate, Manchester M3 1SB

10 reasons to choose Chetham's School of Music, Junior department
Main point of differentiation
Chetham’s School of Music, Junior department has a Schoolsmith Score® of 82, and is a specialist music school.
School fundamentals
Chetham’s School of Music, Junior department is an independent prep day and boarding school for boys and girls (50%/50%) between the ages of 8 and 11 years. It is a specialist music school and also a Choir School. Boarding from Year 3 for the 50% of pupils who board. 80% are full boarders and 20% are weekly or flexi boarders. The school has a non-selective admissions policy. It is the junior division of Chetham’s School of Music, an all-through school to age 18. Chetham’s School of Music, Junior department fees are £9,160 +VAT per term (2024/25). Full boarding fees are £12,022 +VAT per term.
Average class size
Chetham’s School of Music, Junior department has one class per year and an average class size of 12 pupils.
Leavers' destinations
Chetham’s School of Music is selective by musical ability. Most pupils move up to the senior school.
The Chetham's School of Music, Junior department curriculum
School curriculum also includes PSHE, German. As a specialist music school, the school teaches music for half of the day and National Curriculum subjects for the other half. There are a small number of academic clubs.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups and visiting speakers.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for PE, music, languages, art, music theory throughout. Naturally, particular depth and breadth of specialism in music.
Sport at Chetham's School of Music, Junior department
School offers PE and a small range of sports. The emphasis is on fitness, exercise and health.
The Arts at Chetham's School of Music, Junior department
The largest specialist music school in the UK and one of the 9 specialist music and dance schools in the UK for school age children. Accredited as a Centre of Excellence for the Performing Arts. Whole school choirs, orchestras and instrument ensembles.
Wraparound care
Wraparound care from 8.00am to 6.00pm.
Find another school near Chetham's School of Music, Junior department
St Bede’s College Prep (2.9 miles); The Manchester Grammar School, Junior School (3.1 miles); Manchester High School for Girls, Preparatory School (3.6 miles); Heathfield School (19.7 miles); Terra Nova School (22.6 miles); Moorland Junior School (31 miles).
St Wilfrid’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Hulme (1.3 miles); St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School (1.4 miles); Lower Kersal Community Primary School (1.8 miles).
Chetham’s School of Music (0 miles); St Bede’s College (2.9 miles); The Manchester Grammar School (3.1 miles); Manchester High School for Girls (3.6 miles); Rishworth School (20.1 miles); Moorland School (31 miles).
Trinity CofE High School (1.7 miles); Loreto College (2 miles); Beis Yaakov High School (2 miles).