Juniper Lodge, 43 Kedleston Road, Little Chester, Derby DE22 1FP
10 reasons to choose Emmanuel School, Derby
Top line
Emmanuel School, Derby has a Schoolsmith Score® of 67. It is one of the best independent prep schools in and around Derby and one of the 4 best primary schools for 1.5 miles.
School fundamentals
Emmanuel School, Derby is an independent prep day school for boys and girls (50%/50%) between the ages of 3 and 11 years. It is a Christian school, open to all faiths and none. The school has a non-selective admissions policy. It is a standalone prep school, not tied to any one senior school. Emmanuel School, Derby fees are £1,440 +VAT per term (2023/24).
Average class size
Emmanuel School, Derby is a small school, with mixed-age classes, and an average class size of 14.
Leavers' destinations
Destinations for Emmanuel School leavers are Derby independent schools and Christian schools.
The Emmanuel School, Derby curriculum
School follows a Christ-centred curriculum based on the National Curriculum. More prayer, worship and religious reflection than at non-faith schools. There is an emphasis on Christian social morality with topics reflecting a God and Bible-centred worldview. Science, history, geography, art and music usually taught through those cross-curricular topics. The curriculum also includes PSHE, French.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups and visiting speakers.
Specialist teaching
The class teacher delivers most subjects. Some lessons may be taught by peripatetic specialists.
Sport at Emmanuel School, Derby
School offers PE and a small range of sports. The emphasis is on fitness, exercise and health.
The Arts at Emmanuel School, Derby
Art and music are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. Drama is part of the co-curriculum. All pupils learn an instrument in class and some take extra-curricular instrument lessons. Choir and one or two instrument ensembles.
Wraparound care
School hours are from 8.55am to 3.15pm.
Find another school near Emmanuel School, Derby
Old Vicarage School, Derby (1.4 miles); Derby High Primary School (3 miles); Derby Grammar Primary School (4.7 miles).
St Joseph’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, Derby (1.2 miles); Lawn Primary School (1.4 miles); Wren Park Primary School (2.5 miles).
Derby High School (3 miles); Derby Grammar School (4.7 miles); Repton School (8.5 miles).
Landau Forte College (0.8 miles); Littleover Community School (3.1 miles); West Park School (4.2 miles).