The Ridgeway, Mill Hill Village, London NW7 4ED

10 reasons to choose Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell
Top line
Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell has a Schoolsmith Score® of 86. It is one of the best independent prep schools in and around Mill Hill Village and one of the 3 best primary schools for 0.5 miles.
School fundamentals
Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell is an independent prep day school for boys and girls (50%/50%) between the ages of 3 and 13 years. It is a United Reformed Church school, open to all faiths and none. The school has an academically selective admissions policy. It is the junior division of Mill Hill School, an all-through school to age 18. Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell fees range from £6,750 +VAT (Rec) to £8,200 +VAT per term (2024/25).
Average class size
Grimsdell has three classes per year. Belmont has three classes rising to seven. Across Grimsdell and Belmont the average class size is 21 pupils.
Leavers' destinations
90% of Belmont School pupils move up to Mill Hill School, at the end of Year 8.
The Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell curriculum
School curriculum follows the National Curriculum. It is thematic in Grimsdell, and is guided by senior school subject leads from Year 7. Independent learning encouraged through the ‘Creative Learning Project’ in Years 3 to 5, and the ‘Independent Studies Project’ in Year 6. The curriculum also includes PSHEE, French, Spanish, Latin. ‘Future Skills’, from Year 3, includes cookery, first aid, drama, German, Eco, Yoga, philosophy, and STEAM. It is a Microsost Showcase School to reflect the high degree of integration of digital learning in the curriculum. The school is one of the 50 prep schools with the most extensive academic and hobby extra-curricular programmes in the UK.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers and residential trips from Year 5. Grimsdell pupils have Forest School sessions and Eco Schools Green Flag accreditation. Belmont pupils have ‘Activities Week’ including outdoor challenge, projects and performing arts.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for sport, music, languages, art, DT and computing throughout, and for all subjects from Year 6.
Sport at Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell
School offers over 15 different sports through the year, through both the curriculum and extra-curriculum. Competitive teams in major sports from Year 3. In recent years the school has enjoyed national success in football, netball.
The Arts at Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell
Art and music are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. Drama is part of the creative and extra-curricular programmes. All pupils learn an instrument in class and half take extra-curricular instrument lessons from Year 3. Four choirs, orchestra and 7 instrument ensembles. Each pupil may participate in up to 10 different extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
School hours and ‘Stay & Play’ from 8.15am to 5.30pm for Grimsdell pupils. Belmont wraparound care from 8.30am to 6.00pm. Mill Hill Express bus service for Belmont pupils to local areas.
Find another school near Mill Hill School, Belmont and Grimsdell
Goodwyn School (0.5 miles); St Martin’s School, Mill Hill (1.1 miles); Holland House School (2 miles).
St Paul’s Church of England Primary School, Mill Hill (0.3 miles); Courtland School (1.1 miles); Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School (1.5 miles).
Mill Hill School (0.4 miles); North London Collegiate School (3.4 miles); Susi Earnshaw Theatre School (3.7 miles).
Mill Hill County High School (1.1 miles); Copthall School (1.2 miles); Hasmonean High School (2.5 miles).