Footeran Lane, Yealand Redmayne, Carnforth, Lancashire LA5 9SU

10 reasons to choose Yealand Church of England Primary School
Top line
Yealand Church of England Primary School has a Schoolsmith Score® of 68. It is one of the best state primary schools in Carnforth and one of the 3 best independent or state primaries within 7 miles.
School fundamentals
Yealand Church of England Primary School is a state primary school for boys and girls (50%/50%) between the ages of 4 and 11 years. It is a Church of England voluntary aided faith school. The school was also rated as Good by Ofsted in its last (2022) inspection.
Average class size
Yealand Church of England Primary School has two mixed-age classes and an average class size of 19 pupils.
Exam results
Average Year 6 SATS results from 2016-19 and 2022 show that Yealand Church of England Primary School ranks in the top 38% of schools in the country by attainment. By the same measure, progress scores are around the national average.
The Yealand Church of England Primary School curriculum
School curriculum emphasises Christian social morality and also includes PSHE, French. There is topic-based and thematic teaching for some foundation subjects. There may be an occasional extra-curricular academic or hobby club.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers, Forest School for all year groups and residential trips from Year 3.
Specialist teaching
Most lessons are taught by the class teacher with some peripatetic and specialist teaching.
Sport at Yealand Church of England Primary School
School offers PE and up to 10 seasonal sports. Representative teams in some sports from Year 3.
The Arts at Yealand Church of England Primary School
Art and music are taught as discrete subjects to all pupils. DT, drama, dance integrated into other subjects. Choir. There may be some occasional extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
Out of school hours care from 7.45am to 6.00pm.
Find another school near Yealand Church of England Primary School
Lancaster Steiner School (10.2 miles); Sedbergh Prep School, Casterton (12.9 miles).
Silverdale St John’s Church of England Primary School (3.8 miles); Bolton-le-Sands Church of England Primary School (5.6 miles); Levens Church of England School (8 miles).
Sedbergh School (17.3 miles); Windermere School (20 miles); Giggleswick School (24 miles).
Dallam School (5.1 miles); Queen Elizabeth School (8.1 miles); Lancaster Royal Grammar School (9.9 miles).