Priest Hill, Old Windsor, Windsor, Surrey SL4 2JN

10 reasons to choose St John's Beaumont School
Main point of differentiation
St John’s Beaumont School has a Schoolsmith Score® of 90, and is the highest scoring prep school in and around Windsor. It also ranks in the top 20 in the country.
School fundamentals
St John’s Beaumont School is an independent prep day and boarding school for boys between the ages of 3 and 13 years. In Sep 2023 the school became co-ed, starting with Nursery to Year 2. Boarding from Year 3 for the 20% of pupils who board. 50% are full boarders and 50% are weekly or flexi boarders. It is a Roman Catholic (Jesuit) school, open to all faiths and none. The school has an academically selective admissions policy. It is a standalone prep school, not tied to any one senior school, and is a member of The Society of Jesus 1929 Trust. St John’s Beaumont School fees range from £4,368 +VAT (Rec) to £8,192 +VAT per term (2024/25). Full boarding fees range from £11,128 +VAT to £12,352 +VAT per term.
Average class size
St John’s Beaumont School has one class per year rising to two or three, and an average class size of 14 pupils.
Leavers' destinations
Destinations for most St John’s Beaumont School leavers are one of 20 different boarding schools with Harrow, Eton, Wellington, Winchester, The Oratory, Charterhouse, Stonyhurst being marginally more popular than others. 20-25% of pupils win awards and scholarships.
The St John's Beaumont School curriculum
School curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and the ISEB Common Entrance curriculum. It is subject based, rather than thematic, and emphasises Catholic social morality. Religious Education is a core subject. Pupils observe Jesuit religious practice such as regular mass, daily prayer, ‘Reflective Retreats’, ‘Examen’, and preparation for First Sacraments. The curriculum also includes PSHE, reasoning, French, Latin. The school offers each pupil between 5 and 10 different extra-curricular academic activities or hobby clubs.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers and residential trips from Year 4.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for sport, music, drama and languages throughout, for RE and humanities from Year 3, and for most subjects from Year 6. ‘Magis’ is a weekly visiting speaker programme.
Sport at St John's Beaumont School
School offers over 20 different sports through the year, through both the curriculum and an extensive extra-curriculum. Competitive teams in major sports from Year 3. In recent years the school has enjoyed national success in rugby, swimming.
The Arts at St John's Beaumont School
Art and music are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. As is drama to Year 5. All pupils learn an instrument in class and three-quarters take extra-curricular instrument lessons from Year 3. 3 choirs (including the touring Chapel Choir), orchestra and several instrument ensembles. There are some extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
Wraparound care from 7.30am to 6.00pm.
Find another school near St John's Beaumont School
Bishopsgate School (1.2 miles); Upton House School (2.7 miles); Eton End School (3.1 miles); St George’s School, Windsor (3.5 miles); Sunningdale School (6 miles).
St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, Englefield Green (1.8 miles); Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, Staines (3.7 miles); Castleview Primary School (5.2 miles).
Eton College (4.8 miles); St James Senior Boys’ School, Ashford (5.7 miles); St George’s School, Ascot (7 miles).
Windsor Girls’ School (3.3 miles); Slough and Eton Church of England Business and Enterprise College (4.7 miles); St Bernard’s Catholic Grammar School (5.1 miles).