Hugon Road, Fulham, London SW6 3ES

10 reasons to choose Thomas's Fulham
Top line
Thomas’s Fulham has a Schoolsmith Score® of 84. It is one of the best independent prep schools in and around Fulham and one of the 3 best primary schools for 1 mile.
School fundamentals
Thomas’s Fulham is an independent prep day school for boys and girls (50%/50%) between the ages of 4 and 11 years. It is a Christian school, open to all faiths and none. The school has an academically selective admissions policy. It is a standalone prep school, not tied to any one senior school. Thomas’s Fulham fees range from £7,949 +VAT (Rec) to £8,896 +VAT per term (2024/25).
Average class size
Thomas’s Fulham has three classes per year and an average class size of 20 pupils.
Leavers' destinations
Destinations for Thomas’s Fulham leavers are Thomas’s Clapham (30%) or one of 40 other independent day and boarding schools. The spread of destinations among these other schools is wide with even local schools rarely taking more than two pupils in any give year. Thomas’s College (11-18) in Richmond opens in September 2025 replacing Thomas’s Putney Vale (11-16).
The Thomas's Fulham curriculum
School curriculum is based on the National Curriculum with some additions and variations. It also includes PSHE, reasoning, French, Latin. School seeks to blend traditional knowledge acquisition with developing pupil enquiry skills, self-awareness of learning habits, as well as character education. The ‘Enquiry Mindset’ curriculum features cross-curricular learning, particularly for humanities subjects (history, geography, religion, philosophy), and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, maths). It is an Apple Distinguished School to reflect the high degree of integration of digital learning in the curriculum. The school offers each pupil between 5 and 10 different extra-curricular academic activities or hobby clubs.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers and residential trips from Year 4. Thomas’s Outdoor programme (Woodland Adventure/Young Explorers) for all pupils.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for sport, music, art, dance, drama, computing and languages throughout, and for all subjects in Year 6.
Sport at Thomas's Fulham
School offers over 15 different sports through the year, through both the curriculum and extra-curriculum. Competitive teams in major sports from Year 3.
The Arts at Thomas's Fulham
Art, music and drama are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. Dance to Year 2. All pupils learn an instrument in class and three-quarters take extra-curricular instrument lessons from Year 3. Five choirs, orchestra and several instrument ensembles. Each pupil may participate in up to 10 different extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
School hours are from 9.00am to 3.20/4.00pm according to pupil age. Clubs can extend the school day to 5.00pm.
Find another school near Thomas's Fulham
Parsons Green Prep (1 mile); The Roche School (1.3 miles); Wandsworth Preparatory School (1.3 miles).
Allfarthing Primary School (1.3 miles); Sir John Lillie Primary School (1.3 miles); Servite Roman Catholic Primary School, Brompton (1.6 miles).
The Moat School (1.3 miles); Thames Christian School (1.5 miles); Emanuel School (1.6 miles); Thomas’s College (6.3 miles).
Lady Margaret School (0.6 miles); Chelsea Academy (1.1 miles); Kensington and Chelsea College (1.4 miles).