Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, London SW1P 1QH

10 reasons to choose Westminster Cathedral Choir School
Top line
Westminster Cathedral Choir School has a Schoolsmith Score® of 85. It is one of the best independent prep schools in and around Westminster and one of the 3 best primary schools for 0.5 miles.
School fundamentals
Westminster Cathedral Choir School is an independent prep day and boarding school for boys between the ages of 4 and 13 years. It is also a Choir School. Boarding from Year 4 for the 10% of pupils who board. 20% are full boarders and 80% are weekly or flexi boarders. It is a Roman Catholic school, open to all faiths and none. The school has an academically selective admissions policy. It is a standalone prep school, not tied to any one senior school. Westminster Cathedral Choir School fees range from £7,183 +VAT (Rec) to £8,180 +VAT per term (2024/25).
Average class size
Westminster Cathedral Choir School has two classes per year and an average class size of 16 pupils.
Leavers' destinations
Destinations for Westminster Cathedral Choir School leavers are one of 20 independent day and boarding schools. Over the past five years, the most popular destinations have been Eton College (17% of leavers), City of London School (13%), Winchester College (10%), and Dulwich College (9%). St Paul’s School, Harrow School, Radley College, and King’s College School Wimbledon also take 5% of leavers each. 15% of boys win awards and scholarships, most of them for music.
The Westminster Cathedral Choir School curriculum
School curriculum follows the National Curriculum and the ISEB Common Entrance curriculum. It also includes PSHCE, classical civilisation, French, Latin. A modern liberal arts’ education, based upon the three C’s of curriculum, canon and character. The curriculum is thematic, shifting year-on-year through ancient, medieval, then modern cultures. Pupils develop cultural literacy through learning the lives and works of great scientists, authors, musicians and artists. The school offers each pupil between 5 and 10 different extra-curricular academic activities or hobby clubs.
More on the curriculum
There are regular educational trips for all year groups, visiting speakers, a residential trip in Year 8, and an annual ski trip. The Choir travels extensively.
Specialist teaching
Specialist teachers for sport, music and languages throughout, and for most subjects from Year 4.
Sport at Westminster Cathedral Choir School
School offers between 10 and 15 different sports over the course of the year. Competitive teams in major sports from Year 3.
The Arts at Westminster Cathedral Choir School
The school educates the choristers of Westminster Cathedral. Art and music are taught as discrete curricular subjects to all pupils. Drama is part of the co-curriculum. All day pupils learn at least one musical instrument from Year 3. One auditioned choir and three age-specific choirs for day boys (as well as the Chorister Choir), orchestra and eight instrument ensembles. There are some extra-curricular creative and performing arts clubs.
Wraparound care
Wraparound care from 7.45am to 5.00pm.
Find another school near Westminster Cathedral Choir School
Eaton Square Prep School (0.6 miles); Westminster Abbey Choir School (0.7 miles); Westminster Under School (0.7 miles); St Paul’s Cathedral School (3.1 miles); Dulwich Prep London (5.7 miles).
St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School, Westminster (0 miles); St Peter’s Eaton Square Church of England Primary School (0.5 miles); St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Chelsea (1.2 miles).
Westminster School (0.9 miles); Francis Holland School, Sloane Square (1 mile); Fairley House School, Seniors (1 mile); The Royal Ballet School (1.9 miles); The Sylvia Young Theatre School (2.1 miles).
The Grey Coat Hospital (0.4 miles); Pimlico Academy (0.7 miles); Saint Thomas More Language College (1.2 miles).